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Excursion to Pigeon Cay


The first thing to note is that there are, in fact, NO pigeons on Pigeon Cay. Gulls yes, pigeons, no. So with that having been established… on the east side of the island of Roatan, Honduras, is the island of Santa Hélèna (not to be confused with Saint Helena island, of Napoleon fame, in the middle of the Atlantic [they really wanted to get rid of him])…really several square miles of mangrove swamp and only separated from Roatan by a mangrove channel from north to south (or south to north, if you like). Off Hélèna is Isla Morat, and a bit further still is Barbareta, owned by oil magnate, billionaire Kelcy Warren.

Then still further, south-east of Barbareta, are the most unspoiled dive sites of the Pigeon Cays. Some are a few feet underwater surrounded by reefs, some only live above water at low tide, but two are true atolls…our destination.

This post will not be like most with lots of history and descriptions – there is not a lot of that at the Pigeon Cays, but pictures are worth a 100,000 words, so…

Isla Morat and Barbareta
Morat and Barbareta

Helene, Morat and Barbareta, and some friends

The school boat
The school bus, err... boat

Into the mangrove channel

Out on the south side
Morat and Barbareta

Morat (inhabited)

Barbareta, getting there

The first pigeon

The second pigeon

Wading ashore

looking back to first pigeon, Morat and Barbareta

First pigeon is farther than it looks (camera trick)

Now for some refreshments

into ze vater

Vicky and I

Back at the Asylum after a tiring day

Thus ends a perfect day.


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